Színpadi elemek és valóság a Balassi Menyhárt komédiában

Virovecz, Nándor (2016) Színpadi elemek és valóság a Balassi Menyhárt komédiában In: A szövegtől a szcenikáig. Eszterházy Károly Egyetem Líceum Kiadó. pp. 15-30.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

Stageability and Reality in the Comedy about Melchior Balassi’s betrayal ----- The Comedy about Melchior Balassi’s betrayal was printed in 1569 Transylvania, by a Unitarian bishop Pál Karádi. There are two basic problems about the work: the first, it’s unauthenticated, the second, that we don’t know exactly when the author wrote and finished it. There were many discussions about the literary genre too, because the name ’comedy’ probably was given by Karádi. The text is divided into five parts, and contains only dialogues. Due to the fact, that most of the historical data and facts – which were mentioned in the five parts – are trustworthy and all characters were real, contemporary living persons, we should assume that the fiction is minimal during the plot. Although we haven’t got any sources of stage performance, however the stageability of the Comedy is evident. This paper tries to look after the allusions, hints, and all phrases addressed to the audiences. This method highlightes the relationships between the characters and their individual qualities too. These relationships are in accor- dance with the historical facts and persons, therefore we could better come to know the author or the circle of authors. There was a question about the plot location, because there is only one well-identified place in the text. According to the research of the dialogues it is clear that the five parts are at three locations. One of them is very important (the archbishop’s garden) because it is required to identify the anonym archbishop. This involves that his character is not an allegory of the Catholic Church, he was a real person, who was recognizable for those, who known him by criticism. In the wake of the paper it is clear that the author was such a person (or circle of persons) who knew very well not only lord Melchior Balassa, but his court also. We might conclude that the Comedy didn’t address to public audiences, it was written for a narrow circle in the years of 1565-1566. Its author was an intellectual humanist, worked and lived near to the Hungarian Royal Court and the main offices in Vienna (especially the Chancellery).

Mű típusa: Könyvrészlet - Book section
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ORCID azonosító
Virovecz, Nándor
Kapcsolódó URL-ek:
Nyelv: Magyar
ISBN: 978-615-5621-24-6
Felhasználó: Réka Kapalkó
Dátum: 26 Jún 2020 07:06
Utolsó módosítás: 26 Jún 2020 07:06
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