A belichnus ichnogenus késő-oligocén (egri) korú gasztropódák mészvázain(Eger, Wind-féle téglagyár)

Dávid, Árpád (2009) A belichnus ichnogenus késő-oligocén (egri) korú gasztropódák mészvázain(Eger, Wind-féle téglagyár) Az Eszterházy Károly Főiskola tudományos közleményei (Új sorozat 36. köt.). Tanulmányok a földrajztudományok területéről = Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis. Sectio Geographiae. pp. 65-75. ISSN 1216-4208

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

Gastropod tests collected from two strata of Wind Brickyard’s exposure have been examined on the occurrence of Stomatopod predation (Belichnus ichnogenus). The two strata are the following: silty, fine grained sandstone (“x” layer), limonitic sandstone (“k”-layer). 6534 specimens, belonging into 74 taxa originated from the “x”-layer have been investigated. Seven specimens of seven taxa showed traces of Stomatopod predation. These taxa are: Turritella beyrichi percarinata, Drepanocheilus speciosus digitatus, Hadriana egerensis, Babylonia eburnoides umbilicosiformis, Galeodes basilica, Athleta rarispina, Turricula regularis. 6607 specimens belonging into 65 taxa of the “k”-layer have been examined. Fourteen specimens of nine taxa bore traces of Stomatopod predation. These taxa are: Turritella beyrichi percarinata, Globularia gibberosa sanctistephani, Ampullina crassatina, Hadriana egerensis, Babylonia eburnoides umbilicosiformis,Galeodes basilica Euthriofusus burdigalensis, Athleta rarispina, Turricula regularis.Most of the gastropods of both strata were large bodied, epibenthic scavangers. The presence of this trace fossil refers to sandy bottom, the euphotic zone, tropical, subtropical climate. It proves the connection between the Paratethys and the Indopacific region. This is the first report of Stomatopod predation on Late-Oligocene (Egerian) age gastropods.

Mű típusa: Folyóiratcikk - Journal article
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MTMT azonosító
ORCID azonosító
Dávid, Árpád
Nyelv: magyar
ISSN: 1216-4208
Felhasználó: Adrien Kiss
Dátum: 13 Szep 2019 12:52
Utolsó módosítás: 13 Szep 2019 12:52
URI: http://publikacio.uni-eszterhazy.hu/id/eprint/4338
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