Egy professzionális társasági ember – Justh Zsigmond kapcsolati hálója

Dede, Franciska (2023) Egy professzionális társasági ember – Justh Zsigmond kapcsolati hálója In: Hálózatok és kapcsolatok. Hajnal István Kör Társadalomtörténeti Egyesület – Városi Levéltár és Kutatóintézet – Eszterházy Károly Katolikus Egyetem Líceum Kiadó. pp. 43-58.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

A Professional Socialite – Social Network of Zsigmond Justh ---- The end of century-aristocratic-looking writer Zsigmond Justh (1863‒1894) did not just create something unrepeatable with his literal and publicist works, but he also made his mark with intentional outreach and network activities. His identity forged in social life cannot be measured only on the basis of his works, but his extended correspondence, diaries, notes and letter, memoirs of his contemporaries all attesting his central, leading, lively figure. He used his consciously established relations for the good of the community: he was looking for patrons, partners to achieve his goals such as transmitting culture, organizing literary life and sponsoring artists. The extensive network of his circle of acquaintances crossed over borders, and he was getting to know people coming from different social statuses, nationalities, age groups, occupations and world-views, then he also put efforts into introducing these people to each other, and to the wider reading public. His relationship with childhood friends, distinguished social figures of Pest or Paris, members of various writers’ groups, editorial staff, artists, actors, peasants living in his property, or acquaintances crossed during his travels was of different in nature, depth or intensity but he was always curious about individuals and types, and he always found a way in every situations of cultural exchange. This paper will examine the social network of the young, short-lived writer in the end of the 19th century, by considering the personal, socializing and culture transmitting goals of Justh.

Mű típusa: Könyvrészlet - Book section
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MTMT azonosító
ORCID azonosító
Dede, Franciska
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Nyelv: magyar
Könyv alcíme: A Hajnal István Kör – Társadalomtörténeti Egyesület 2021. évi, székesfehérvári konferenciájának tanulmánykötete
Felhasználó: Tibor Gál
Dátum: 29 Aug 2023 06:05
Utolsó módosítás: 29 Aug 2023 06:05
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