Optimized line and line segment clipping in E2 and Geometric Algebra

Skala, Vaclav (2020) Optimized line and line segment clipping in E2 and Geometric Algebra Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae. 52. pp. 199-215. ISSN 1787-6117 (Online)

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

Algorithms for line and line segment clipping are well known algorithms especially in the field of computer graphics. They are formulated for the Euclidean space representation. However, computer graphics uses the projective extension of the Euclidean space and homogeneous coordinates for representation geometric transformations with points in the E² or E³ space. The projection operation from the E³ to the E² space leads to the necessity to convert coordinates to the Euclidean space if the clipping operation is to be used. In this contribution, an optimized simple algorithm for line and line segment clipping in the E² space, which works directly with homogeneous representation and not requiring the conversion to the Euclidean space, is described. It is based on Geometric Algebra (GA) formulation for projective representation. The proposed algorithm is simple, efficient and easy to implement. The algorithm can be efficiently modified for the SSE4 instruction use or the GPU application, too.

Mű típusa: Folyóiratcikk - Journal article
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MTMT azonosító
ORCID azonosító
Skala, Vaclav
Megjegyzés: The research was partially supported by the Czech Science Foundation, Czech Republic, project GACR No. GA17-05534S
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Kulcsszavak: line clipping, line segment clipping, homogeneous coordinates, projective space, geometric algebra, principle of duality, GPU, SSE4 instruction
Nyelv: angol
Kötetszám: 52.
DOI azonosító: 10.33039/ami.2020.05.001
ISSN: 1787-6117 (Online)
Felhasználó: Tibor Gál
Dátum: 11 Máj 2020 07:23
Utolsó módosítás: 17 Dec 2020 14:05
URI: http://publikacio.uni-eszterhazy.hu/id/eprint/5004
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