Egy író a kultúrpolitika hálójában. Karinthy Ferenc kapcsolatai naplója alapján

Héjjas, Flóra (2023) Egy író a kultúrpolitika hálójában. Karinthy Ferenc kapcsolatai naplója alapján In: Hálózatok és kapcsolatok. Hajnal István Kör Társadalomtörténeti Egyesület – Városi Levéltár és Kutatóintézet – Eszterházy Károly Katolikus Egyetem Líceum Kiadó. pp. 59-71.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

A Writer in the Net of Cultural Politics. Relationship Network of Ferenc Karinthy Based on His Diary ----- Ferenc Karitnhy writer, dramaturg had a quite peculiar role in the Kádár-era. Although he sought and found his place, he did not want to lose his creative independence and writerly autonomy. Karinthy had been enlisted some prominent figures of Kádár-era establishment in his diary since 1967. His diary entries provides information on his personal social network, loose and close friendships thorough the almost quarter-century period. The study of social network emerges from his diary might also give opportunities to further interpret or analyze the relationship between writer and reader. My paper will examine in detail his relations to three persons. György Aczél, Tibor Déry and István Örkény had all crucial but individually different impact on his life. Ferenc Karinthy was aware that he could not achieve his writerly plans or personal goals without the effective support of the regime. He took all the opportunities offered by the cultural political line of György Aczél to achieve his goals. He had an ambivalent relationship with Tibor Déry, which I will elaborate in detail in my study. The relationship between him and István Örkény can be described as deep friendship over many years, and then he distanced himself from this friendship by his last years. Although personal sources do not provide enough information for a multi-angled analysis, the diary and other ego-documents (memoirs, interviews) together may contribute to the understanding of the power’s and cultural politics’ impacts on personal relations during this era. In my paper, I will try to demonstrate the applicability of the diary to use as a primary source.

Mű típusa: Könyvrészlet - Book section
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MTMT azonosító
ORCID azonosító
Héjjas, Flóra
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Könyv alcíme: A Hajnal István Kör – Társadalomtörténeti Egyesület 2021. évi, székesfehérvári konferenciájának tanulmánykötete
Felhasználó: Tibor Gál
Dátum: 29 Aug 2023 06:08
Utolsó módosítás: 29 Aug 2023 06:08
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