„Tudás-alapú" munkapiaci sajátosságok az Észak-Magyarországi régióban

Máté, Domicián (2007) „Tudás-alapú" munkapiaci sajátosságok az Észak-Magyarországi régióban : Knowledge-based" labour specifies in Northern Hungary. Az Eszterházy Károly Főiskola tudományos közleményei (Új sorozat 34. köt.). Tanulmányok a gazdaságtudomány köréből = Acta Oeconomica. pp. 88-105. ISSN 1787-6559

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

According to the Lisbon Strategy (LiS) it is highly recommended to devote more attention to the less developed regions of the EU, such as Northern Hungary. LiS is designed to make the EU an innovative, knowledge-based society, capable of sustainable economic growth, with more competitive enterprises and more qualified employees. This paper discusses the key issues and problems of the labour market in Northern Hungary (as presented in the first part of this paper), such as the low economic activity, the growing rate of unemployment and the various differences between labour demand and supply. Important contributors to the region's relatively high unemployment rate are the oversupply of graduate students (impossible to absorb by the region at its current level of development), the presumed mismatch between student competences and labour market needs, and their low willingness in migration. In developed countries, where worker skill demand is changing rapidly, one of the most entrusted labour market strategies is to promote "lifelong learning" (the phrase quickly became a cliché in Hungary too). The reform-process in the structure of education is inevitable consequence to avoid confusion in employment No doubt that during the 1990s, the structure of labour demand changed remarkably. Although employers continually give signs of their preferences and requirements concerning the entry level skills and competences of (young) workers, the recognition of them by educational institutions and decision makers is still at a beginner level in Hungary. A well-established education and labour market policy requires regular labourmarket surveys, long-term labour demand prognoses and international benchmarking. In the second part, some "knowledge-based" IC-models (which can be used by Hungarian corporations) are presented. Finally, the author outlines his further research plans.

Mű típusa: Folyóiratcikk - Journal article
Szerző neve
MTMT azonosító
ORCID azonosító
Máté, Domicián
Nyelv: magyar
ISSN: 1787-6559
Felhasználó: Olga Fenyvesi
Dátum: 30 Ápr 2019 07:35
Utolsó módosítás: 30 Ápr 2019 07:35
URI: http://publikacio.uni-eszterhazy.hu/id/eprint/3709
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