Szuromi, Rita (2024) A modern társadalmi felelősségvállalás régimódi elismerése. A magyar nemességhez vezető út törvényszerűségeinek vizsgálata a dualizmus korában In: A rang kötelez. Eger, Eszterházy Károly Katolikus Egyetem Líceum Kiadó. pp. 379-397.
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Absztrakt (kivonat)
THE OLD-FASHIONED RECOGNITION OF MODERN SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. EXAMINING THE PATTERNS OF THE ROAD TO HUNGARIAN NOBILITY IN THE AGE OF DUALISM The virtues required for elevation to the rank of nobility have changed from time to time over the centuries. From the early modern era, merit acquired by arms was replaced by civic virtues, and loyalty to the ruler by the responsibility for the nation, nevertheless, the connection between the interest of the state and the individual remained unchanged. The phrase in the ennoblement documents, ‚devotion to public affairs’, now had real meaning. In the dualist period, the condition for promotion was no longer exclusively individual merit, but social responsibility. The patronage of a historical figure with an outstanding record of achievement was desirable and expected, especially in areas where state care, the ‚social safety net’, did not reach in sufficient time and, in sufficient quantity. Thus, support for social affairs, education or the civil sector contributed greatly to the recognition of an individual’s achievements. Promotion was then more a kind of high state honour, a ‚prima primissima’. The paths leading to the award of the title of nobility are varied: from well thought-out, consistently implemented family strategies to examples of rewarding a scientific or military career, or an ‚act of philanthropy’ following a natural disaster. Honours in themselves did not guarantee membership in the elite, only the possibility of it: after the elevation, it was up to the individual to decide whether his mentality and values would be in line with those of the noble community. If the answer was in the affirmative, the person elevated to the rank also legally realised his status, but if the answer was in the negative, the degree remained merely an honourable state decoration. To belong to this identity-based community in the dualist period was thus to choose a value.
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Kulcsszavak: | nobility, elevation, cult community, reciprocity, patronage |
Nyelv: | magyar |
DOI azonosító: | 10.17048/Arangkotelez.2024.379 |
Könyv alcíme: | Rendi és rendies magatartásformák a középkortól a 20. századig |
Felhasználó: | Tibor Gál |
Dátum: | 26 Okt 2024 12:59 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 08 Nov 2024 07:58 |
URI: | |
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