A távérzékelés mint a geoinformatika innovatív eszköze

Bíró, Tibor, Lénárt, Csaba (2012) A távérzékelés mint a geoinformatika innovatív eszköze In: Összhang: Tudomány a gazdaságban és a társadalomban. Eger, Eszterházy Károly Főiskola Líceum Kiadó. pp. 141-146.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

Remote sensing brought fresh air into the collection and analysis of airborne remote sensing data captured by hyperspectral, Lidar, thermal and other airborne sensors. The applied remote sensing technology and the collection of topographic and thematic data can be used for a wide range of commercial applications including environmental, agricultural and industrial applications incl. oil and gas related research and monitoring, monitoring the environment and its natural resources mainly via the most up-to-date hyperspectral technology: Hyperspectral imaging is an advanced digital imaging process that noninvasively identifies unique spectral features normally imperceptible to the unaided human eye. Through use of high-powered imaging sensors, which collect light and heat from selected targets, data is acquired and undergoes unique computer processing to discriminate the individual elements of light. These techniques yield information contained within the target for highlighting and identification. Just as fingerprinting has revolutionized the field of forensic identification of crime suspects, hyperspectral imaging promises to change the way we detect targets from the air, diagnose disease or even screen individuals for drug use. Also LiDAR (Laser Scanning) is an efficient technology for capturing geometric and thematic data. The technology is commonly used to generate terrain models, either DTM or DEM, or surface models (DSM). LiDAR excels at capturing in a variety of environments whether they are rural or urban, dense vegetation or flat areas without texture, natural objects such as trees or manmade features such as buildings, power lines, natural objects, bridges, guard rails and other road furniture. The College also provides turn-key LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) imaging research with it’s European partners in contour mapping and topomaps, fusion with digital orthophoto or hyperspectral imagery and 3D modelling and volumetric calculation.

Mű típusa: Könyvrészlet - Book section
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MTMT azonosító
ORCID azonosító
Bíró, Tibor
Lénárt, Csaba
Kapcsolódó URL-ek:
Nyelv: magyar
ISBN: 978-615-5250-17-0
Felhasználó: Tibor Gál
Dátum: 28 Júl 2020 12:02
Utolsó módosítás: 28 Júl 2020 12:02
URI: http://publikacio.uni-eszterhazy.hu/id/eprint/6380
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