A modernizáció fény-és árnyoldalai

Mózes, Mihály (2012) A modernizáció fény-és árnyoldalai In: Összhang: Tudomány a gazdaságban és a társadalomban. Eger, Eszterházy Károly Főiskola Líceum Kiadó. pp. 47-73.

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The Sunny and Shadow Sides of the Modernisation Process This essay analyses the different fields of modernisation.basicly the different stages of industrial growth. The auther also gives an attention to the agricultural infrastructural demographic and social sides of modernisation process. The so called „industrial revolution” seemes to be a complex process, wich changed the society in economic and social and cultural aspects. This essay distincts four waves of industrial growth of the world which were the followings: classical industrial revolution between the middle of 18th and 19th centuries, the second happened from 1870 till the end of the World War I. In some areas of the world it was followed by a new industrial revolution during the interwar period which was stopped for some years by the Great Depression (1929-33), but later was continued till the end of the World War. II. The leading sectors of the different stages of industrial growth were different branches of industry. In the first, classical industrial revolution the key sector was the cotton industry. In the second phase the leading sector became the chemisty and machinery. During the interwar period the leading industry became the mass production of consumer goods (for example car manufactoring, production of household products, highway construction etc.) In every stage of industrial growes the key sector resulted strong multiplying effects. The essay distincted the industrial growes of European Semiperipheris where this process was „low inducated”. It means, that the key sector were unsuitable for gowing up to the lewel of most developed countries. In the second half of 19th century the food industry and textil industry were not enough to the real industrialisation. Anyhow the First World War stopped the development of this countries and the borders changed for example the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy totally collapsed and new sucessor states were born. On these area the industrialisation was not speed enough int he 20th century. The fourth stage of industrialisation began after het Second World War. The new leading sectors became the nuclear industry, the mass production of aircrafts and different weapons. An important field of this period was the space industry, production of laser equipments,etc. From the begining of seventies was born the new leading sector, the microelectronies and informatics. As a result of oil pricises a lot of „oil capital” were invested int he USA. Till the end of eigthties it was about 7000billion dollars or more. This capital was invested to the Silicon Walley, it resulted the new stages of industrialisation. It was a beganing of the new race of the armament, but this tecnologies supported all fields of economy, mainly the tercier sector changed ang grew up. The essay analises the social consecvencies of these economic streams. For the beganing of 20th century in the most developted countries emerged a middle class society. Unfurtunatelly in the coutries of Europen Semiperipheries formated „piramid society” it means that about the 2/3 of these societies remained agricultural dominated and only the 1/3 of these societies became modernised only. This traditional modell of central and eastern european societies resulted different revolutians and dictatorships like communism and fasism. These streams resulted basicly the shadow side of the modernisation, but of course we can distincs other emerging problems of thes stream for example airpollution environmental problems and in some aeries demographic problems too.

Mű típusa: Könyvrészlet - Book section
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MTMT azonosító
ORCID azonosító
Mózes, Mihály
Kapcsolódó URL-ek:
Nyelv: magyar
ISBN: 978-615-5250-17-0
Felhasználó: Tibor Gál
Dátum: 28 Júl 2020 11:50
Utolsó módosítás: 28 Júl 2020 12:03
URI: http://publikacio.uni-eszterhazy.hu/id/eprint/6376
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